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Common Charge Payments

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Common Charge Payments

Unit owner common charges can be paid by one of two methods:

1. Check or money order

Mail check or money order with the coupon (bottom part of your bill) in the envelope provided addressed to the lock box in Boston.

2. Pay online

Online payments can be made through a one-time payment transaction or through enrollment to schedule a series of recurring payments. Either method requires you to enter your bank account information at our affiliated online site provided by Bank of America. Using this method you can select a date or a series of dates on which common charges will be drafted from your checking account. In order to use this method you will need to have ready your payment coupon with your owner ID found in the upper corner of your bill and your checking account information including your bank routing number and checking account number. We strongly recommend you have a blank check in front of you when you enter this information to insure accuracy. You will continue to receive monthly statements regardless of the payment method you choose. Select from the links below to use the method of your choice.

Enroll to maintain your information on our secure site. You will be able to schedule recurring payments or only make a single transaction. You will not have to re-enter personal and bank information for each visit. Unit owners with multiple units can enroll a single or multiple units at once and schedule each from one or more bank accounts.

Login if you have previously enrolled on our secure site. You can change bank account information, change or setup recurring payments or make a one time payment. You will need the email address and password you provided during your initial enrollment.

© 1999-2017 Parkchester South Condominium, Inc. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Use of this site by any entity, individual, business or domain holder including redirection or copying of web information is strictly prohibited by law. All criminal and civil penalties will be pursued by Parkchester South Condominium, Inc. particularly as it relates to copying or other use of our online payment service.